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REMOVAL OF lumps and dimples in the skin


Reduce lumpy formations in the skin in the thigh, abdomen and buttock areas.

How does it work?

Celluerase is a special treatment to treat cellulite, cellulite is the formation of areas of dimples lumps and bumps of fat and becomes more common with age, it can occur in both men and women but its more common in the latter due to different fat and tissue distribution levels, it can appear on the legs, buttocks, and abdomen.


Celluerase is a minimally evasive treatment with the use of a microblade to break down and allow for the fibres to be released allowing your skin to smooth out and and regain its natural firmness, the results are noticeable immediately after treatment.

Cellulite on the upper thigh

What should I expect from Celluerase treatment.

During a celluerase treatment a special sterile microblade will be used to make small incisions to cut the fibres of tissue causing the depressions in the specified area to allow the tissue to spring back and regain a smoother and firmer appearance.

During the procedure, the patient will lie down typically on their front so we can easily treat the cellulite, local anaesthetic will be used to numb the treatable areas, small incisions will be made, to treat the depressed areas and then it will be cleaned and treated with dressings.

Cellulite appearance

What happens after the celluerase treatment?

After the treatment It’s likely that you may have bruising on and around the treated area along with tendereness and slight swelling as the area begins to heal, this will have a full recovery time of around 1-2 weeks.

By around two weeks after your treatment, you should see a noticeable level of improvement in the appearance of the affected areas and the results will continue to improve.

To ease the tenderness you may be encoraged to take paracetemol so the areas is more comfortable while it begins to heal.

“Looking at my legs filled me with dread and I'm so thankful for the team at Tarporley Clinic who have given me the confidence to bare my legs in public again!”
Woman smiling for testimonial
Karen S
“My cellulite prevented me from showing my legs while sunbathing and prevented me from wearing certain clothes, now I feel more comfortable to wear the clothes I want to wear.
Woman smiling for testimonial
Paula T

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