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Tone and shape your body

Electro Sculpting
Body toning treatments

Electro sculpting treatments are equivalent to a 6 hour workout in the gym.

How does it work?

Electro sculpting works by triggering electrical pulses into the muscles to cause them to contract. By using HIFEM (high intensity focused electromagnetic) technology, the electro sculpting procedure is able to induce supraximal contractions that are unachievable voluntarily.

When your muscle tissue is exposed to supraximal contraction, the tissues themselves are forced into adapting to match the extreme conditions they are facing. In response, the muscle reacts by undergoing a remodelling of it’s inner structures (new growth of myofibrils and creation of new proteins and muscle fibers). What this means, is that the electro sculpting process forces the muscles to increase their density and volume through contractions.

The level of contractions is so high, that just one 30 minute sessions is equivalent to over 2,000 sit ups on your stomach muscles.

Electrosculpt treatments for the body

What about the results of the treatment?

Directly following your treatment, you’ll notice and feel the results immediately. Whilst the immediate results may be small, things such as improvements to your posture or decreased levels of fatigue, you’ll being to notice bigger and better results which will only continue to improve over the course of the next few months.

Just like a workout at the gym, it’s incredibly important to ensure that you continue to keep a healthy and active lifestyle after the treatment to be able to maintain and maximise the results that you will see. With no external influences, you should be able to keep your results for anywhere between 6-12 months, but if you’re willing to put the effort in to maintain them than they will last much longer. You can even have a further top-up treatment to help maintain the results too.

Electrosculpt treatments
“A treatment that allows me to fight away unwanted fat and tone my stomach at the same time was a dream come true, I feel much more confident to take my shirt off now.”
Man smiling for testimonial
John S
“Being able to lose unwanted fat and tone up certain areas of my body is something I've wanted to do for a long time. The electro sculpt treatment has really made a world of difference to me.”
Woman smiling for testimonial
Stacey R

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