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Get fuller and more kissable lips with hyaluronic acid fillers.

How does it work?

Having plump and youthful looking lips is something that some people are blessed with, whereas for a lot of others, this is not the case. Whether its somebody you know, or a high profile celebrity, it’s hard to not see someone with lip fillers nowadays.

They work in a similar way to dermal fillers as they are almost exactly the same, however rather than filling out lines and wrinkles, they are used to provide a fuller and plumper appearance to the lips which gives them a different look entirely.

They have built a reputation on providing almost immediate results and giving a drastic improvement to the lips, however it’s important to note that as with the majority of things in life, they should be used in moderation. Too little and you won’t be able to notice any change at all whereas if you have too much and you’ll have the infamous “trout pout” with lips that don’t look natural at all. The ideal outcome is lips that look natural to anyone who doesn’t know that you’ve had fillers, whilst improving the appearance by giving them a plumper look.

Lip filler treatment results

How long do lip fillers last?

Usually, lip fillers tend to last around 4-12 months. The hyaluronic acid in the injections breaks down within the lips naturally and will dissolve and be passed out by the body via it’s natural processes. It’s also common to find that even after this period, the lips may still be a little plumper as the injections actually trigger the production of collagen beneath the surface.

What should I know before getting lip fillers?

Before your appointment, it’s important to ensure that you avoid anything that could thin your blood. This includes painkillers, vitamins and even alcohol as these are all known to cause the blood to thin. The problem with this is that thinner blood makes the skin more prone to bruising and bleeding which can, for obvious reason, cause issues with your treatment.

Lip fillers

What are the benefits of having fillers done?

In addition to giving you plumper lips, fillers can also provide a number of other benefits for you, such as;

  • You can control the size of your lips, because the substance is being injected and the results show instantly, you can decide on the perfect size for your lips
  • There is generally less bruising associated with lip fillers than there is with any other form of dermal filler
  • Any lumps or bumps created by the natural movement of the lips are able to be dissolved quickly and easily, keeping a smooth and youthful appearance
  • You don’t have to do it all at once, you can book a number of different treatments to gradually increase the size of your lips until you find a size that you’re happy with
  • They don’t have to be maintained forever, you can continue to have treatments to maintain the look as long as you need to or simply just stop and let the filler dissolve on its own

Are lip fillers safe?

As with any aesthetic treatment, there is always a chance that something could go wrong. This is why it’s so important to only have them performed by a reputable company such as ourselves, who are capable of providing the right level of aftercare support and help to ensure that your are in the best hands possible.

Natural looking lip filler
Natural looking lip filler treatments
Lip filler treatment
Lip filler treatment results
Lip filler treatment results
Lip filler treatment results
Lip filler treatment
Lip filler results
“Having my lip fillers performed has given me more confidence in my face and in my smile, I'm happier than I've ever been in my life and people keep complimenting me on them!”
Woman smiling for testimonial
Liz F
“I had problems with my lower lip for as far back as I can remember, I even got bullied in school about it. Thankfully, fillers have enabled me to be more confident in my lips.”
Woman smiling for testimonial
Denise S

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